In this post, we will find the answer of which brushes to use for painting?.
Brushes are our biggest helpers when painting. Let’s get to know the brushes a little more closely. “Which brushes to use when painting?”
Round End Brushes
It is usually referred to as a watercolour brush, but it is also very useful for oil painting. Thanks to its fine tip, it is perfect for detail work and linear lines. The only bad thing is that it can deteriorate quickly and when it deteriorates, it loses all its effect.
Cat’s Tongue Brushes
You can easily perform scribbling and filling operations. Suitable for round lines.
Flat Brushes
The large numbered ones are used as ground brushes, for painting the background. The smaller ones can be used when working on angular areas, if you are going to draw a straight line.
Fan Brushes
To paint trees like Bob Ross, you need a fan brush. It is usually used for tree leaves and grasses. It can also be used for different effects.
You can also use it to spread the paints on the canvas, with smooth movements so that they mix with each other.
Fine Tip Brushes
Brush bristles are long and thin. It can hold a lot of paint thanks to its long length. It is generally used to paint long tree branches for hand lifting.
Mop Brushes
It is generally used for watercolours, but it is suitable if you have a large round and wide painting area. You can also use it to distribute the paint with brush strokes.
Side Cut Brushes
Kavisli boyamalar için idealdir, döndürerek kavisleri boyayabilirsiniz. Ucu da sivri olduğu için ayrıca çizgileri boyamada da kullanılır.
Note: Don’t forget to clean your paints after your painting is finished. Clean your brushes thoroughly with turpentine and white soap and let them dry. In this way, there will be no dried paint residue and your brushes will not harden.
I hope this post has helped you to comprehend which brushes to use when painting different kinds of paintings.